Noah Infinity

Hey! My name's Noah. I'm an artist specialising in 2D illustration, 2D animation and 3D rendering.I'm a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, Splatoon, Pokémon and more! Often times, my work revolves around these fandoms.I am the creator and current all-around developer of Project Aero, an original media series centered around a guy with powers protecting the world from a tyranical technology company.You can find links to all my social media, including the ones for Project Aero, right here! You can also find a preview of some of my works.

Mini Portfolio

Social Media Links

Commission Info

Each commission includes full rendering (lighting + shading), a background, transparent alts, full permissions for usage (within TOS) and a post on social media.Additional characters cost the same as the commission itself (Eg, a fullbody with two characters would be £40). In some cases, a commission with two characters will be changed into two comms to make it easier to work with (headshots, icons and ref sheets are the ones I'm most likely to do this with).USD prices are roughly converted, and as such are not 1:1 accurate. Please be sure to do your own conversion when doing payment.

Terms of Service

Will do:
- Humans and Humanoids
- Basic/Undetailed Robots
- Fandom
Won't do:
- Furry
- Non-humanoids
- Non-humanoid Robots
- Fetish
- Offensive content
- I will refuse service for whatever reason I deem so
- Commissions cannot be sold as crypto, NFTs or resold in general
- Commissons cannot be used for AI training or in any sort of AI database
- Commissions cannot be claimed as original work
- Commissions cannot be reposted without credit
Commissions are a side gig of mine, please be patient and respectful. I have a life outside of art which is pretty busy at points.

Current Offerings

Previous Commission Examples


I can also be contacted through the direct messaging systems on the social medias listed in the first section.Please send a picture of the character you want drawn, the commission option you want and any other additional info.A simple sketch, doodle, render or pose alongside this would be helpful too, but not necessary.